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CRCMolProfil - Genetic, Protein and RNA Profiling of Colorectal Cancer Using Liquid Biopsy

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O projektu / About the project

Sažetak (English below)

Tekuća biopsija neinvazivan je i ponovljiv postupak uzimanja periferne krvi iz koje se specifičnim metodama izoliraju cirkulirajuće tumorske stanice (CTC), vezikulne strukture podrijetlom iz tumorskih stanica, eksosomi te cirkulirajuća tumorska DNA (ctDNA).


Cilj predloženog istraživanja jest identifikacija biopokazatelja specifičnih za kolorektalni karcinom (CRC) u biološkim uzorcima dobivenim tim neinvazivnim postupkom te procjena njihovog dijagnostičkog potencijala u usporedbi s uzorcima tkiva dobivenim tijekom kolonoskopije. Za biopokazatelje odabrani su oni geni, RNA i proteini koji su povezani s etiologijom CRC-a; promjenama signalnih putova, remodeliranjem izvanstaničnog matriksa, međustaničnom komunikacijom, povećanom vaskularnom permeabilnošću i upalom potaknutom tumorom.


Istraživanje će obuhvatiti detekciju genskih varijanti sljedećih gena: KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, PIK3CA, TP53, and JAK2. Među RNA transkriptima bit će analizirane relevantne mikroRNA i ekspresija gena c-MYC. Proteinska analiza obuhvatit će proteine za koje postoji dokazana povezanost s CRC. Predloženi projekt uključit će 60 pacijenata s CRC-om i 200 pacijenata s adenomom (pre-CRC, referentna skupina).


Genski profili za CRC i pre-CRC bit će generirani iz podataka o genskim varijantama prisutnim u tkivu i ctDNA. RNA profil odnosit će se na podatke o prethodno navedenim RNA transkriptima
prisutnim u tkivu i eksosomima. Proteinski profil bit će generiran iz podataka o koncentraciji CEA i CA 19-9 u serumu te DPP IV, MMP9, Hsp60, Hsp70, cadherin17 i TGF-beta u tkivu i eksosomima.


Kao rezultat ispitivanja očekuje se utemeljena procjena dijagnostičkog potencijala svakog odabranog biopokazatelja za CRC koji se može analizirati u biološkim uzorcima dobivenim postupkom tekuće biopsije i da odabrani geni i njihove varijante, RNA transkripti i proteini prisutni u ctDNA i eksosomima jednoznačno zrcale molekulska događanja u tumorskom tkivu.

HRZZ broj IP-2019-04-4624

Razdoblje: 1. ožujak 2020. - 29. veljača 2024.


Liquid biopsy is a non-invasive and repeatable procedure that involves sampling peripheral blood for isolation of circulating tumor cells (CTC), vesicular structures, exosomes, which are released into the circulation by tumor cells, and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA). The general objective of this project is to identify biomarkers specific for colorectal cancer (CRC) in biological samples
obtained with liquid biopsy and to evaluate their diagnostic potential.


The project will include the detection of genetic variants of the following genes: KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, PIK3CA, TP53, and JAK2. Among the RNA transcripts, we shall analyze the relevant microRNAs and the expression of the c-MYC gene. Protein analysis will include protein biomarkers with proven association with etiology of CRC.


The project needs to include 60 CRC-subjects and 200 pre-CRC subjects (referent group), in accordance with the estimation of the study's strength, and taking into account the adenomas variability. Genetic profiles for CRC and pre-CRC will be generated based on data about genetic variants present in tissue and ctDNA. RNA profile refers to present in tissue and exosomes. Protein profile will be generated based on data about serum concentrations of CEA, CA-19-9 and the expression of DPP IV, MMP9 Hsp60, Hsp60, Hsp70, cadherin17, TGF-beta in tissue and exosomes.


The proposed project is expected to identify reliable diagnostic biomarkers for CRC that can be analysed in biological samples derived from peripheral blood using liquid biopsy. We expect to confirm our hypothesis that selected genes and their variants, transcripts and proteins present in ctDNA and exosomes accurately reflect the molecular events in the tumor tissue.

HRZZ number IP-2019-04-4624

Duration: 1 March 2020 - 29 February 2024


to Services

Suradnici / Partners

Vodeća institucija / Coordinating institution

Sveučilište u Zagrebu / University of Zagreb

Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet / Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry

Suradne institucije / Partner institutions
to Work

KBC Sestre Milosdrnice / Sisters of Charity Hospital


KBC Zagreb / University Hospital Centre Zagreb


Sveučilište u Rijeci Medicinski fakultet / University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine


Sveučilište Sapienza u Rimu / Sapienza University of Rome

Poveznica za članove projektnog tima / Link for the project network

Published papers / Objavljeni radovi

Molecular Detection of Colorectal Cancer

D Verbanac, A Čeri, I Hlapčić, M Shakibaei, A Brockmueller, B Krušlin, ...

MDPI-Encyclopedia 1

Profiling Colorectal Cancer in the Landscape Personalized Testing—Advantages of Liquid Biopsy

D Verbanac, A Čeri, I Hlapčić, M Shakibaei, A Brockmueller, B Krušlin, ...

International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (9), 4327

CD26 Deficiency Controls Macrophage Polarization Markers and Signal Transducers
during Colitis Development and Resolution

I Vukelic, S Buljevic, L Baticic, K Barisic, B Franovic, D Detel
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 (10), 5506

Accelerating the Development and Validation of Liquid Biopsy for Early Cancer
Screening and Treatment Tailoring

D Horgan, T Čufer, F Gatto, I Lugowska, D Verbanac, Â Carvalho, JA Lal, ...
Healthcare 10 (9), 1714

Circulating Tumor Cells in Colorectal Cancer: Detection Systems and Clinical Utility

J Petrik, D Verbanac, M Fabijanec, A Hulina-Tomaškovic, A Čeri, A Somborac-Bačura, R Petlevski, M Grdić Rajković, L Rumora, B Krušlin, ...

International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022, 23, 13582

In the media / U medijima

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